How long have you been dancing and modeling

Ive been modeling for one good year now, and dancing since I was a wee lad.

A typical day with Shay consists of:

Well there’s no hiding that i love to smoke so that would definitely be involved! Everyday is different for me and thats why I love it. Some days I’m running around doing a bunch of shoots or hitting every audition possible, and some days I’m just chillin with the homies. I hit a lot of thrift stores up too.

What did you want to be when you were little

I wanted to be a hiphop dancer!

3 major influences:

I would have to go with my parents. My foster mom Barbara and my birthmom Robin, these people are so amazing and I am blessed to have known all of them.

What music are you listening to most at the moment

I’ve been listening to a lot of electro funk and oldies lately.

Any exciting projects you have coming up

I like to consider all my projects exciting! So yes, a bunch!

Greatest accomplishment so far

Working with Primitive and The Hundreds was awesome! I must say The Nip/Tuck Season 6 promo would be up there too!

This year what do you hope to achieve

I just want to be happy and have as much work as possible. I’d love to travel more.

If you could be anywhere right now where would it be and with who

I’d love to go to Chile and meet my birth dad!

Favorite quote

Hmm, my highschool senior quote “light it up”

See what I’m saying? Adorable! Make sure to follow Shay on Twitter to see what this little hustler is up to. She’s only just begun.

Posted by The Sneaker Hotel Monday, September 6, 2010

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